Wednesday 11 July 2012

Turtle toque

So I went waddling around today with my momma-in-law and we picked up some necessities for baby. It made me excited but also a little freaked out since I think I am finally realizing how much stuff you need to prepare for a baby aaaand I am nowhere close to having it all. I am being reassured on da regular though by loved ones that I will somehow acquire all blankets, diapers, cloths, gadgets, boob pads, pumps, bath things, the list is actually endless, in due time. I also need to get baby's room into some kind of organized shape before he arrives. So little buddy better stay in there long enough for me to get his crap together or else he will have to sleep on the couch (just kidding). Speaking of the little dude, he has been kicking up a storm today, he must have a good tune in his head or is just getting super bored of my insides. Anyway, I got a super cute night light for him today thanks to mee-maw :) Yes, he is a sparkly turtle with a toque on. 

Also, my prenatal class, we watched some vids and talked about the different stages of labour..aka how freaking long you are in pain for. And that you don't even get offered pain meds until you are already 6-7 cm dilated. Gulp. I mean I wanna be a toughy and be like pfftt, pain meds, but learning that I don't even have the option until then makes me realize I'm going to need my tough girl game on. Overall, I feel like the class may have benefited hubby more so than me as all I could picture was my poor vajay-jay. Maybe that's all he was thinking about too. I also couldn't help feeling super surreal that this is actually going to happen to me. We learned some techniques that are used to help relax you buut..lets be real...I feel like the first time I have a contraction we are just going to look at each other with a panic face and then run around frantically. Something like this... except not Asian. 

Anyway, I am sure we will figure it out and get stuff ready and baby will somehow plunk out of me and we will all be like aww da babaaayyy and there will be love everywhere. But until then I'll just keep posting about my gradual process. For right now I'll upload a picture of my puppy who I miss and love and makes me squirm inside. Or maybe that's still baby. D'aw.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Preggo Eats

So today is a big day in the life of Kristen. We have our first prenatal class tonight, which in all seriousness is probs going to scare to poop right out of me since we are discussing labour for 2 hours...gulp. Other than that I am sitting on my couch like any other day in a zombie like state because I cannot sleep at night anymore. One reason being I-am-SO-warm. What is it with pregnancy? Not only do you have to get comfortable with a basketball attached to you but you are also way warmer. You also have a million pillows in the bed trying to support your aching parts but usually they just end up in the way and you ache anyway. Then there is your poor hubby crawled up in a corner of the bed trying to sleep while you thrash away and heave sighs of frustration. But all that aside, I do love being pregs and having my little guy say hi when he kicks my bladder and squirms around. I love him so much already. One thing he probably doesn't appreciate from mommy is the numerous amount of chocolate cupcakes I have been consuming daily. I made them a couple days ago...I got the reciple here but they are all gone now, adding to the weight that is accumulating rapidly on my body. YUMM

I see articles everywhere with skinny-bean-pole women who are pregnant and they are all smiley and like "I'm perfect because I only gained the minimum amount of weight during pregnancy because I ate carrot sticks and celery and avoided all cravings and you can do it too!" And I am sitting here with my cupcakes scowling and swearing at them in my head, but not out loud, incase somehow my baby can hear it already. 
To try and balance out the cupcakes, I did make somewhat of a healthy snack. My hubby LOVES these and takes them in his lunch to work. They are called "energy bites" and are good for a quick breakfast. When you are not already eating chocolate cupcakes that is... I found the original here and changed a couple things. The original says it makes like 25 balls...I don't see how she does that unless hers are teeny, but it still makes a good amount. Also, they may not look or sound like they taste good, but they really doooo! 

1 cup (dry) oatmeal 
2/3 cup shredded coconut 
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed (I put in a little less so it doesn't taste too flaxseedy)
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla 
Pinch of cinnamon 
And all you have to do is just roll all of it together! nom nom nom

Well anyway, there is a boring, and fatty post. I just dug my camera out for the first time in forevs and found some gems on there. Maybe I'll make another post later. I'll most certainly want to tell someone about my prenatal class, and since Blog, you are my only friend in this town besides hubby, you'll have to do. 

Monday 9 July 2012

So I made a blog...

Why am I creating a blog? Like the bajillion other people on "the online?" I don't really know... Maybe because I am tre bored and if I ever have time to create one...this is my time. I am pregnant...and warm...oh so warm and my husband works all zee time to make moneys while I eat everything in our home and then more. I also have been on a kick lately where I want to learn everything. From baking, to sewing, to knitting to whatever. I bake lots...which means I eat lots (too much) which is beginning to be a problem. I taught myself to kind of knit... I just got bored quickly since it takes a long time to get to the end of a project and I'm not so good with that. I got a sewing machine, so I may attempt some projects on that soon...? So while I am in the process of "trying new things" why not try a blog! Yippeee. I also, am in a very transitional time in my life. I am 23, newly married, just moved to a town where I know no one (cept my wonderful hubby), AND I am expecting a little miracle to pop out of my hoohaa (yikes) soon. So maybe I am creating a blog cause I miss having people to talk to and share my new life with. So dear Blog, you are my new friend. I am here to babble and yell run on sentences at you and fill your pages with gobbldeegoop. Also, I feel like this is a good way to write down memories of my pregnant process and my adventures with baby. Hopefully Blog will be a good friend and somehow inspire me to use my expensive camera, or create something, or go exploring so I can have something to post about! Maybe this will get me off my preggo butt? ha.. Hopefully you will last longer than my knitting attempt.